
takeoff ['teɪkɔ:f]  [ˈtekˌɔf, -ˌɑf] 



takeoff 基本解释

名词起跳; (飞机的)起飞; <喻>(经济的)起飞; 开始


takeoff 相关例句


1. She does a marvellous takeoff of the Queen.

2. The plane crashed five minutes after takeoff.

3. You are not allowed to smoke until after takeoff.

takeoff 网络解释

1. 起飞:同时,还可以增加一些属性如:速度(speed)、油量(fuel)、损坏度(damage),还有像起飞(takeOff)、坠落(crash)、射击(shoot)或是自毁(selfDestruct)等方法. 那么这个类大概是这样的:

2. 取出:Take 实录 | Takeoff 取出 | Takeover 恢复,话音叠入,商议

3. 取走拆出功率输出端估计:takeoff 取走 | takeoff 取走拆出功率输出端估计 | taking a bearing 测方位

4. 估计量:Tactics 战术 | Takeoff 估计量 | Talent 人才才能

takeoff 词典解释

1. (飞机的)起飞,升空
    Takeoff is the beginning of a flight, when an aircraft leaves the ground.

    e.g. The aircraft crashed after takeoff from Heathrow in a reservoir...
    e.g. The commuter plane was waiting for takeoff...

2. takeoff的反义词

2. (对某人动作的滑稽)模仿
    A takeoff of someone is a humorous imitation of the way in which they behave.

    e.g. The programme was worth watching for an inspired takeoff of the Collins sisters.

3. (经济、生意等的)开始腾飞,迅速发展
    Takeoff is the point in the development of something, such as an economy or a business, when it begins to be successful.

    e.g. The 1950s were the decade of Hong Kong's industrial take-off.

takeoff 单语例句

1. The Civil Aviation Department recommended that Finnair reinforce the requirement to verify departure runways prior to the commencement of a takeoff roll.

2. Local aviation authorities advised travelers to contact airlines for information on specific flights and to arrive at the airport at least two hours before takeoff.

3. The control tower lost sight of the plane about three minutes after takeoff, authorities said.

4. Ten minutes after takeoff it was beyond the team's field of vision and switched to automatic control.

5. Gray Davis said the pilot issued two mayday distress calls after takeoff from Brackett Field, a small airport near the park on a lake.

6. Gray Davis said the pilot issued two mayday distress calls after takeoff from Brackett Field, a small airport near the park.

7. Thanks to the economic takeoff, the Chinese leadership has been able to further promote the welfare of the common people.

8. takeoff在线翻译

8. How to build and consolidate the core socialist values in step with the economic takeoff, and elevate the entire nation's ideological and moral qualities?

9. takeoff的意思

9. Unlike passenger flights, air freight services don't care about the takeoff time.

10. The FAA said the plane blew a tire on takeoff, possibly sending debris into the engine.

takeoff 英英释义



1. takeoff

1. a departure
    especially of airplanes

2. humorous or satirical mimicry

    Synonym: parody mockery

3. a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way

    Synonym: parody lampoon spoof sendup mockery burlesque travesty charade pasquinade put-on

4. the initial ascent of an airplane as it becomes airborne