
talentless ['teɪləntles]  ['teɪləntles] 

talentless 基本解释



talentless 网络解释

1. 无能的:talented 有才能的 | talentless 无能的 | taler 德国旧银币

talentless 双语例句

1. And she can take care of him for the rest of his talentless life.

2. Many talentless people came to TV, what a shame.

3. I will run another FeedBurner ad campaign at some point in the not too distant future, and I`ll have a much better designed banner (which means I`ll have to get someone to design it for me, I`m absolutely talentless when it comes to graphic design).

4. It doesn't directly address the soul-crushing discrimination that is suffered daily by millions of talentless would-be musicians around the world.

5. Please stuff your talentless faces...

6. Please, stuff your talentless faces with my Mother's crabcakes!

7. He is a talentless, pretentious little twat|who thinks that cinema began with Tarantino.


8. Carmen figures out a way to steal musical talent and transfers it to her two talentless henchwomen.


9. A talentless street musician in the Dutch town of Leiden got local people so upset by his awful saxophone playing that they got police to confiscate his instrument.

10. A talentless street musician in the Dutch town of Leiden gotlocalpeople so upset by his awful saxophone playing that they gotpoliceto confiscate his instrument.


11. For every one or two talented people in any group of artists, there are hordes of talentless hangers-on.

12. I was a talentless spoiler. If I couldn't be good, why should they?

13. He was very contemptuous of'popular'writers whom he described as talentless and worthless.

14. On the strength of one short paragraph they have decided you are unpleasantly ambitious, devious, probably talentless and a shameless flirt.

talentless 英英释义



1. devoid of talent
    not gifted

    Synonym: untalented