talk shop的近义词
谈本行的事; 话不离宗; 语不离宗
1. 三句话不离本行:talk the hind leg off a donkey 说的天花乱坠 | talk shop 三句话不离本行 | tall order 难办的事情
2. 说行话:talk sense 说话有道理 | talk shop 说行话 | talk show 谈话节目
3. 说行话, 三句话不离本行:play games 敷衍塞责 | talk shop 说行话,三句话不离本行 | black and blue 青肿的
4. (尤指使他人厌烦地)谈与业务有关的有,谈公事,谈工作:shut up shop(暂时或永久性的)停止营业,关店 | talk shop(尤指使他人厌烦地)谈与业务有关的有,谈公事,谈工作 | toy shop 玩具店
1. It also provided training sessions for newbie online store operators and invited established shop owners on Taobao to talk about their experiences.
2. " We don't talk to each other a lot while we're doing business here, " said a shop owner whose surname is Du.
3. But a woman assistant at the shop detected something unusual because the girl was told not to talk to her.
1. discuss matters that are related to work
e.g. As soon as they met, the linguists started to talk shop