
tang [tæŋ]  [tæŋ] 







tang 基本解释

名词强烈的味道或气味; 柄脚; 特性

及物动词使声尖锐; 装刀柄于

不及物动词发出铿锵声; 发出当的一声

tang 网络解释

1. 唐:介绍音: 荒(huang)唐(tang) 说明荒唐 是指行事比较离谱,不正常,不符合一般规则. 很唐突.

2. 趟:因为我粗心,所以多跑了一趟(tang). 早上,我和妈妈到地里拔萝卜. 我们先找来铲(chan)刀和篮(lan)子. 萝卜是长在地里的,上面长的叶子多,说明萝卜大. 小的萝卜我轻轻一拔就拔出来了;大的我都请妈妈帮忙. 我们整整拔了一大筐萝卜.

tang 词典解释

1. tang的解释

1. 浓烈刺鼻的气味(或味道)
    A tang is a strong, sharp smell or taste.

    e.g. She could smell the salty tang of the sea.

tang 单语例句

1. Tang forecast that the banking sector's net profits might grow more than 5 percent this year because of booming loan business.

2. A Guangzhou man surnamed Tang wanted to take his shoe repairing business to a new level so he's written a book.

3. Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang has pledged to promote development projects in Hengqin to the business sector in Hong Kong.

4. State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan said earlier that Chinese leaders would have a busy diplomatic itinerary untill the end of this year.

5. tang是什么意思

5. Tang arrived before his boss, took the bottle of denatured alcohol and drank it by mistake.

6. " They could be violating the Race Discrimination Ordinance simply by name calling, " Tang cautioned.

7. Tang predicted earlier that the jobless rate would fall below 7 per cent some time by the end of this year.

8. Tang has been active in promoting exchanges of visits by American and Chinese students since 1979 when the United States and China resumed diplomatic relations.

9. The 21 existing pieces by arguably the greatest calligrapher in Chinese history are all copies made during the Tang Dynasty.

10. Police found the body of Tang Wenfeng at 4 pm on Friday local time in his car in Toronto.

tang 英英释义


1. tang

1. any of various kelps especially of the genus Laminaria

    Synonym: sea tangle

2. any of various coarse seaweeds

    Synonym: sea tang

3. tang什么意思

3. brown algae seaweed with serrated edges

    Synonym: serrated wrack Fucus serratus

4. a common rockweed used in preparing kelp and as manure

    Synonym: bladderwrack black rockweed bladder fucus Fucus vesiculosus

5. tang的反义词

5. a tart spicy quality

    Synonym: nip piquance piquancy piquantness tanginess zest

6. the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth

    Synonym: relish flavor flavour sapidity savor savour smack nip