
tangled [ˈtæŋgld]  [ˈtæŋɡəld] 







tangled 基本解释

形容词纠缠的; 混乱的; 杂乱的; 紊乱的

动词(使)缠结, (使)乱作一团( tangle的过去式和过去分词 )

tangled 网络解释


1. 混乱:艾斯黛拉.沃伦的外形酷似著名影星莎朗-斯通. 电影处女作是与史泰龙主演赛车片<<飞驰>>(Driven),然后在影片<<人猿星球>>(Planet of the Apes)中扮演为数不多的几个人类之一. 此外还有时装片<<香水>>(Perfume)和青春片 <<混乱>>(Tangled)两部片约.

2. 乱成一团:04 被爱 She will be loved | 05 乱成一团 Tangled | 06 太阳 The sun

3. 纠缠的:tangle纷乱 | tangled纠缠的 | tangoreceptor触觉感受器

4. 紊乱的:11. hideous 丑恶的 | 12. tangled 紊乱的 | 13. cluttered 杂乱的

tangled 单语例句

1. They have already enjoyed huge success with their album Tangled Up, with Call The Shots and Sexy No No No both topping the charts.

2. tangled

2. The situation is complicated by the continual splintering and reforming of alliances and a tangled web of clan loyalties.

3. Coca says the shark then got tangled in the paddle leash and bit through it before swimming away.

4. Both directions of the freeway connecting Tucson to Phoenix were closed for hours as crews freed the injured and dead from the tangled wreckage.

5. But the truth is that beauty is a deeply tangled problem - and debating its definition can raise some pretty ugly arguments.

6. The propeller of the Philippine vessel got tangled with the rope, disconnecting the Chinese fishing vessel from the 25 smaller boats.

7. In addition to the economic reasons, political factors have been more often tangled in the trade frictions today.

8. The legal maneuvering that marked Jackson's extraordinary and troubled life also continued on Monday, with his mother losing a bid to control his enormous but tangled estate.

9. The only time she crashed was during a victory lap when her skate got tangled in the Chinese flag and she tumbled to the ice.

10. tangled是什么意思

10. Londoners and tourists stopped to watch as police used a flatbed truck to haul away the tangled wreckage for forensic testing.