
tapioca [ˌtæpiˈəʊkə]  [ˌtæpiˈoʊkə] 

tapioca 基本解释



tapioca 网络解释


1. 木薯粉:食品市场则更有趣,泰国美食家们到处搜寻着颜色鲜艳的木薯粉(tapioca)甜点、辣味咖哩和模样像中世纪时期酷刑工具的水果. Chatuchak Market(Th Phanonythin; 周六和周日8am ~ 6pm)加都加(Chatuchak)是所有泰国市场之母.

2. 木薯:Sick bay 医务室 | Tapioca 木薯 | Tranquilizer 镇定剂

3. 西谷米:72 Watermelon 西瓜 | 70 Tapioca 西谷米 | 68 Sucrose 蔗糖

4. 西米:taping and sealing 捆扎与铅封 | tapioca 西米 | tapped bind hole 螺纹盲孔

tapioca 词典解释

1. (木薯粉制成的)西米
    Tapioca is a food consisting of white grains, rather like rice, which come from the cassava plant.

tapioca 单语例句

1. Most drinks come with the large chewy tapioca pearls, but you can opt to leave them out.

2. Classic tapioca is the rare American pudding that doesn't have cornstarch, nor is it usually baked.

3. Leong said some cubilose dealers add tapioca as a thickener, and some even dye the nests with material containing nitrite.

4. What's best is the other items laden on the " mountain " - sticky rice cake and pearly tapioca balls.

5. Taiwan's beverage industry pioneered the popular bubble tea that turned on the world to drinking gelatinous tapioca pearls in their tea.

tapioca 英英释义



1. tapioca什么意思

1. granular preparation of cassava starch used to thicken especially puddings