
taradiddle ['tærədɪdl]  ['tærəˌdɪdl] 

taradiddle 基本解释


taradiddle 网络解释

1. 谎话:tar-paved 铺柏油的 | taradiddle 谎话 | tarantella 快速旋转舞

taradiddle 双语例句

1. At first we believed that the story he told us was true, and we'd like to help him. but later we have heared that all of this were taradiddle.

2. In the beginning we trusted in him about those stories he faked, we want to help him but later we heard of what he said was taradiddle.

3. But that can't dislike her... i have said some taradiddle to her...that was taradiddle... i regret that i said that taradiddle to her...very regret.. if god give a chance... i will say to her...sorry..i love you..


4. How can I stop my child from telling stories? fib, story, tale, taradiddle, tarradiddle

taradiddle 英英释义


1. pretentious or silly talk or writing

    Synonym: baloney boloney bilgewater bosh drool humbug tarradiddle tommyrot tosh twaddle

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. a trivial lie

    e.g. he told a fib about eating his spinach
           how can I stop my child from telling stories?

    Synonym: fib story tale tarradiddle