
tardily ['tɑ:dɪlɪ]  ['tɑ:dɪlɪ] 

tardily 基本解释


tardily 相关例句


1. He always replied rather tardily to my letters.

tardily 网络解释

1. 缓慢:tardigrade 缓慢的 | tardily 缓慢 | tardiness 缓慢

2. 慢慢地:tardigrade 缓步类动物 | tardily 慢慢地 | tardocillin 他多西林

3. 缓慢地/慢慢地/迟延地:tardigrade /缓步类的/缓慢的/缓步类动物/ | tardily /缓慢地/慢慢地/迟延地/ | tardiness /慢/缓慢/迟延/

4. 缓慢地; 晚; 迟; 拖延地 (副):taraxacum 西洋蒲公英; 药用蒲公英干根 (名) | tardily 缓慢地; 晚; 迟; 拖延地 (副) | tardiness 缓慢; 不情愿; 迟延 (名)

tardily 英英释义



1. tardily是什么意思

1. later than usual or than expected

    e.g. the train arrived late
           we awoke late
           the children came late to school
           notice came so tardily that we almost missed the deadline
           I belatedly wished her a happy birthday

    Synonym: late belatedly

2. without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly')

    e.g. he spoke slowly
           go easy here--the road is slippery
           glaciers move tardily
           please go slow so I can see the sights

    Synonym: slowly slow easy