tariff schedule

tariff schedule [ˈtærif ˈʃedju:əl]  [ˈtærɪf ˈskɛdʒul] 

tariff schedule 基本解释

tariff schedule的翻译

海关税则,税率表,费率表; 收费率表

tariff schedule 网络解释

tariff schedule

1. 税则:海关税则(Customs Tariff) --也称关税税则(Tariff Schedule)是国家根据其关税政策和总体经济政策,以一定的立法程序制定和颁布实施的应税商品和免税商品的种类划分及按商品类别排列的关税税率表.

2. 关税税率表:关税税则简介: 关税税则又称 关税税率表 (tariff schedule),指一国制定和公布的对进出其关境(customs boundary)的货物征收 关税 的条例和税率的分类表.

3. 税率表:关税税率表...关税税率表(tariff schedule)即关税税则,指一国制定和公布的对进出其关境(customs boundary)的货物征收关税的条例和税率的分类表. 表内包括各项征税或免税货物的详细名称,税率,征税标准(从价或从量),计税单位等. 税则中的商品分类,

4. 收费率表:tariff reform 关税改革 | tariff schedule 收费率表 | tariff schedule 税则

tariff schedule 双语例句

1. The tariff reductions agreed upon by each Member shall be implemented in five equal rate reductions, except as may be otherwise specified in a Member's Schedule.

2. Competitiveness; and (3) maintain the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States.

3. H. Provide update information on transportation tariff, schedule and new arrangements in train station/airport.

tariff schedule什么意思

4. The first item on Wilson's reform schedule was tariff revision.

tariff schedule的翻译

5. The first item on Wilson's reform schedule was tariff revis.

6. The authority for modification of TRQs is the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, Chapter 17, Additional U. S.

7. The favored country is given the lowest tariffs only within the tariff schedule.

8. We help to determine if a tool needs an export license number if shipping out of the USA, the tariff or Schedule B number, and if the shipment is subject
    我们帮助确认一个设备运出美国时否需要出口许可证,纳税或Schedule B number,以及运送一单货是否要缴关税。

tariff schedule

9. Article 4. Articles not enumerated in the above schedule shall be classified by Customs under the most appropriate tariff number.
    第四条 税率表中没有具体列名的物品,由海关按照最适合的税则号列归类征税。

10. The nine countries also have agreed to develop a single tariff schedule as well as common rules of origin that will make it easier for businesses to take advantage of the agreement.

tariff schedule在线翻译

11. The US said that it believed additional and extra additional duties imposed by India are in excess of those listed in India's WTO Tariff Schedule.

12. Customer Service: Directly communicating with the customers, offering the services including but not limited to rates & tariff, shipping information, shipment status tracking, shipping schedule.