
tarriance ['tærɪəns]  ['tærɪrns] 

tarriance 基本解释
tarriance 网络解释


1. 拖延, 耽搁:directory services [计]目录服务 | tarriance 拖延, 耽搁 | ART Automatic Range Tracking 自动距离跟踪

2. 拖延:tarred 涂焦油的 | tarriance 拖延 | tarry 等候

3. 耽搁:tarred /涂了焦油的/ | tarriance /耽搁/ | tarring /焦油化/涂柏油/

tarriance 双语例句

1. During my subsequent movements in different parts of the country, and a tarriance of three busy weeks in London, I had no leisure for replying to it; and now that I am once more at home, and am clearing off the arrears of business which had accumulated during a long absence, it has lain unanswered till the last of a numerous file, not from disrespect of indifference to its contents, but because, in truth, it is not an easy task to answer it, nor a pleasant one to cast a damp over the high spirits and the generous desires of youth.

tarriance 英英释义


1. tarriance在线翻译

1. the act of tarrying

    Synonym: lingering