
taskmaster [ˈtɑ:skmɑ:stə(r)]  [ˈtɑ:skmæstə(r)] 


taskmaster 基本解释


taskmaster 网络解释


1. 工头:taskbar 任务栏 | taskmaster 工头 | taskwork 计件工作

2. 工头/监工:tasking /任务分派/ | taskmaster /工头/监工/ | taskmistress /女监工/

3. 包工头:crash diets 地狱式减肥 | taskmaster 包工头 | kick in 生效,发生作用

4. 监工; 严厉的主人 (名):task list 任务列表, (计算机用语) 显示运转中程序单的视窗 (可以在程序中移动) | taskmaster 监工; 严厉的主人 (名) | taskwork 繁重的劳动; 计件工作 (名)

taskmaster 词典解释

1. 监工;工头
    If you refer to someone as a hard taskmaster, you mean that they expect the people they supervise to work very hard.

    e.g. They're both tough taskmasters, but Stephen is much more supportive.

taskmaster 单语例句

1. And the wild river will eventually be tamed and become a constructive tool rather than a destructive taskmaster.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Added to that is the fact that the river will finally become a constructive tool rather than a destructive taskmaster.

taskmaster 英英释义


1. taskmaster的意思

1. someone who imposes hard or continuous work