1. The corn has begun to tassel.
1. 穗:混入中国风的设计,细节丰富,竹制手挽和开关扣是标志所在,加上双串穗(Tassel)的点缀,散发浓厚的古典味道. 可拆式的肩带亦是玩设计的地方,幼身真皮皮带搭拼织皮拼金属锁链,组成双肩带,使设计更为突出.
2. 流苏:还有方顶的学位帽(mortarboard),流苏(tassel)也有白、黄等颜色. 学位服据说起源于中世纪,在那时传道授业解惑的是神职人员,其袍服走出修道院作为教师职业的象征,也在情理之中. 美国的学位服兴起于19世纪80年代,起初的设计有开襟和合襟两种,
3. 穗饰:taping forme贴胶带法 | tassel穗饰 | taut拉紧
4. 吊苏:trimming饰边 | tassel 吊苏 | fringe排苏
1. (衣服、灯罩上的)穗,缨,流苏
Tassels are bunches of short pieces of wool or other material tied together at one end and attached as decorations to something such as a piece of clothing or a lampshade.
1. A long tassel is usually attached to the lower part of the kite for balance.
1. danci.911cha.com
1. adornment consisting of a bunch of cords fastened at one end