
tattered [ˈtætəd]  [ˈtætərd] 









tattered 基本解释



动词扯碎,撕碎( tatter的过去式和过去分词)

tattered 网络解释

1. 破烂的:gallipots 药罐 | tattered 破烂的 | odour 气味

2. 破烂:stab 刺,戳 | tattered 破烂 | battered 破烂

3. 不该穿着这破旧的 肮脏的 衣服:You know, a young and pretty new bride like you|你... | shouldn't be walking around in an old, dirty, tattered, old skirt.|不该穿着这破旧的 肮脏的 衣服 | I know. I sort of lost all my clothes along the ...

4. 破烂的,褴褛的:tater 馬鈴薯 | tattered 破爛的,襤褸的 | tax 課稅,使負重荷

tattered 词典解释

1. (衣服、书等)破烂的,破旧的
    If something such as clothing or a book is tattered, it is damaged or torn, especially because it has been used a lot over a long period of time.

    e.g. He fled wearing only a sarong and a tattered shirt.
    e.g. ...a very old, tattered, phone directory.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 损坏严重的;一败涂地的
    If you describe something as tattered, you mean that it has been badly damaged or has failed completely.

    e.g. But, two-and-a-half years later, things haven't quite gone to plan and Stanley's dreams of fame and fortune lie tattered and torn.
    e.g. ...the last tattered remnants of a defeated army.

tattered 单语例句

1. In Beijing, the streets were littered with tattered red paper and the cardboard casings from spent fireworks.

2. Every two huts share one washroom and one kitchen which were indistinctive tattered huts in my eyes.

3. However, their token of love finally lay torn and tattered on the ground.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. His visit came as the State Department sharpens its diplomatic campaign to help the country rebuild its infrastructure and tattered economy.

5. It concludes by saying that the " US human rights record is best described as tattered and shocking ".

6. The Treasury's plan is intended to bolster banks'tattered balance sheets and get them to resume making loans.

7. He responded to it on Thursday saying he would aim at boosting economic growth and repairing the nation's tattered finances simultaneously.

8. tattered是什么意思

8. The Americans are hunting Saddam Hussein using tattered documents, dusty tanks - and satellites and flying robots.

9. They were ordered to clean up their tattered loan books and improve lending practices so that they would be turned into internationally competitive banking firms.

10. tattered什么意思

10. The students sleep on tattered bedding, and some are so poor that they use gunny sacks for beds.

tattered 英英释义


1. ruined or disrupted

    e.g. our shattered dreams of peace and prosperity
           a tattered remnant of its former strength
           my torn and tattered past

    Synonym: shattered

2. tattered是什么意思

2. worn to shreds
    or wearing torn or ragged clothing

    e.g. a man in a tattered shirt
           the tattered flag
           tied up in tattered brown paper
           a tattered barefoot boy
           a tatterdemalion prince

    Synonym: tatterdemalion