tea cake

tea cake [ti: keik]  [ti kek] 

tea cake 基本解释

tea cake的近义词


tea cake 网络解释

1. 茶点:7. tea plant 茶树 | 8. tea cake 茶点 | 9. teacup 茶杯

2. 午后茶点中的点心:tea caddy 茶叶盒;茶叶罐 | tea cake 午后茶点中的点心 | tea catechin 茶叶儿茶酸

tea cake 单语例句

1. Organizer Suzy Miller said the event would aim to focus on the positive, starting with a warming cup of tea and a chunk of homemade cake.

2. The chain's cake range buyer Liz Cobbold said fast food culture and American coffee shops had all but killed off afternoon tea a decade ago.

3. You can also choose camomile tea or Longjing tea to go with a piece of cake after your treatment.

4. For 12 yuan, one can get a piece of green tea fresh cream cake.

5. Bite into the buttery cake topped with soft fragrant chunks of apple and chase it down with a cup of hot milky tea.

6. After the tea cake is brewed in water, it appears green in color and tastes aromatic.

7. Dinghu Mountain tea cake is made from the leaves of various kinds of tea trees growing in the Dinghu Mountain.

8. Coffee, tea and cake often do not appear on the table without it.