tear off

tear off [tiə ɔf]  [tɛr ɔf] 

tear off 基本解释

撕掉; 匆匆地脱掉(衣服),匆匆地做; 揭

tear off 网络解释


1. 撕纸:打印机可以使用撕纸(TEAR OFF)方式打印(打印机用撕纸模式时,打印打印第一张标签会回缩一下,本回卷器已经解决这个问题. )

2. 急速脱掉:tear down 扯下;拆毁;诋毁 | tear off 急速脱掉 | tear up 创;挖;掘;拉掉

3. 分开的:Tabbed 选项卡式的 | tear-off 分开的 | Technical Assistance 技术支持

4. 扯掉:tear into 猛攻 | tear off 扯掉 | tear oneself away 勉强使自己离开

tear off 词典解释

1. (胡乱地)脱掉,扯下(衣服)
    If you tear off your clothes, you take them off in a rough and violent way.

    e.g. Totally exhausted, he tore his clothes off and fell into bed...
    e.g. Fuentes tore off his hat and flung it to the ground.

tear off 单语例句

1. They advise residents to tear off ad leaflets in their doors quickly so that burglars can tell someone is at home.

2. tear off

2. Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse a crowd of looters carrying off food and electrical appliances from one supermarket in Concepcion.

3. Tear a piece of chicken off and stuff it into a leaf of romaine.

4. The complaint accused Fogarty of racism and of attempting to tear off her veil during their roadside encounter.

5. Demonstrators around him wore masks to protect against tear gas and showed off spent gas canisters and bullet casings.

6. Security forces cordoned off the area with barbed wire and checkpoints and continued to fire tear gas at demonstrators from a distance.

7. It is time to tear off arrogance and prejudice, now and forever.

8. Diners tear off pieces of injera, which they use to scoop up the dishes.

9. They deliver one for their favored candidate and tear off the other 12 sheets.

tear off 英英释义


1. rip off violently and forcefully

    e.g. The passing bus tore off her side mirror

    Synonym: tear away