
teenage [ˈti:neɪdʒ]  [ˈtinˌedʒ] 

teenage 基本解释


形容词十几岁的; 青少年的


teenage 网络解释


1. 十几岁的:露夏恩虽然普遍认为演技不错,观众缘也不错,但她却引不起其她女孩的追捧,也是因为她太早熟,以至失去了部分十几岁的(teenage)任性魅力. 在好莱坞有名的青春女星里,她被认为是最没有什么一鸣惊人之处的女生. 不过,这或许言之过早了,

2. 青少年:<<青少年>>(Teenage)展现了成年人不断的努力试图牵制和控制年青人,却一次又一次遭遇到他们的追寻自己人生的理想的反抗. 这本书涵盖了两次世界大战,第一次毁灭了浪漫主义的一代,而另一次解开了世界对美国--以及青少年--的束缚.

3. 十几岁:我们一家都有共同的观点,那就是钱能生钱--我看到一篇报导,说美国 一个十几岁(teenage)的女孩从亲人那里继承了七万美金,她并没有一鼓作气将钱 花光,而是买了几个不错的共同基金(Mutual Fund).

teenage 词典解释

1. 十几岁的;青少年的
    Teenage children are aged between thirteen and nineteen years old.

    e.g. Almost one in four teenage girls now smoke.
           如今,十几岁的女孩几乎 4 个当中就有 1 个抽烟。

2. 面向十几岁青少年的;由十几岁青少年完成的
    Teenage is used to describe things such as films, magazines, bands, or activities that are aimed at or are done by teenage children.

    e.g. ...'Smash Hits', a teenage magazine.
    e.g. ...teenage pregnancies.

teenage 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Wenger has also hinted that teenage prodigy Theo Walcott will get to play more than just a cameo role.

2. teenage

2. Two years ago Cate Blanchett's Notes on a Scandal featured a teacher's affair with a teenage boy.

3. teenage的反义词

3. Box office potential is mediocre as the subject of teenage prostitution just isn't good material for a cheeky comedy.

4. China has 10 million " teenage Web addicts ", according to a China Youth Internet Association survey last year.

5. SHENZHEN - A father of five in this southern city has been charged with raping his two teenage daughters since 2002.

6. This is the second time in recent weeks that a group of teenage girls from a vocational school have attacked a female classmate.

7. teenage

7. The film tells the true story of a family forced to relocate near a clinic where their teenage son is being treated for cancer.

8. Criss and the glee club at his school performed a cover of Katy Perry's " Teenage Dream " in that episode.

9. The use of modern terms like " whatever " as an American teenage colloquialism or " makeover " in the subtitles can be distracting to discerning native speakers.

10. He refers to " martyrs like Eric and Dylan " a reference to the teenage killers in the Columbine High School massacre in Colorado.

teenage 英英释义



1. teenage的意思

1. being of the age 13 through 19

    e.g. teenage mothers
           the teen years

    Synonym: adolescent teen teenaged