telephone operator

telephone operator [ˈtelifəun ˈɔpəreitə]  [ˈtɛləˌfon ˈɑpəˌretɚ] 

telephone operator 基本解释


telephone operator 网络解释


1. 电话接线员:上海电话接线员(Telephone operator)招聘 职位描述上海电话接线员(Telephone operator)招聘 联系方式上海电话接线员(Telephone operator)招聘 联系方式各地区电话接线员(Telephone operator)招聘

2. 接线员:上海电话接线员(Telephone operator)招聘 职位描述上海电话接线员(Telephone operator)招聘 联系方式各地区电话接线员(Telephone operator)招聘

3. 总机接线员:suite 套间 | telephone operator 总机接线员 | in touch with 联系,接触

4. 电话操作员:order Entry Clerk 订单输入文员 | Telephone Operator 电话操作员 | Ticket Agent 票务代理

telephone operator 英英释义


1. telephone operator什么意思

1. someone who helps callers get the person they are calling

    Synonym: telephonist switchboard operator