
telephony [təˈlefəni]  [təˈlɛfəni] 

telephony 基本解释



telephony 网络解释

1. 电话学:电话学(Telephony)是指:免责声明:什么叫电话学(Telephony),电话学(Telephony)是什么 可能是转载作品,转载的目的在于传递更多信息,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责.

2. 电话:因素7:前景(Vision)得分(包括产品、服务和公司)因素8:CSS功能(包括呼叫管理,知识库支持,工作流,电话(Telephony)能力,报表)因素12:综合应用(Across Application)支持(包括国际化,安全和商业智能)

3. 电话服务:三是IP市场,对于城域网中光纤未达到的地方,可以利用SHDSL在双绞线基础上接入城域网SHDSL的速度虽然比TI/EI专线慢,但价格远低于E1/TI,因此中小企业及提供电话服务(Telephony)的公司,很多都倾向改用SHDSL来取代E1/T1专线,以降低成本.

4. 拨号服务,我不拨号还不行吗:43)task scheduler windows 计划服务 | 44)Telephony 拨号服务,我不拨号还不行吗? | 46)terminal services 终端服务

telephony 词典解释

1. 电话通讯系统
    Telephony is a system of sending voice signals using electronic equipment.

    e.g. These optical fibres may be used for new sorts of telephony.

telephony 单语例句

1. Extremely fast telephony could open up a number of new business opportunities, such as mobile TV.

2. The devices are used at call centers, in Internet protocol telephony and faxing.

3. Google has been forging ahead in the smartphone market but has been hampered by a lack of intellectual property in wireless telephony.

4. That has made mobile telephony economically and environmentally sustainable in emerging markets.

telephony 英英释义


1. transmitting speech at a distance

    Synonym: telephone