
tempering ['tempərɪŋ]  ['tempərɪŋ] 







tempering 基本解释


动词回火; 钢化

tempering 网络解释

1. 回火:84、回火 (tempering) 将淬火后的钢,在一定温度加热、保温后冷却下来的一种热处理工艺. 回火的主要目的:①消除淬火后存在钢中的脆性和内应力,②通过改变回火工艺参数,控制马氏体析出与碳化物聚集的程度以调整硬度,②使淬火后不稳定的马氏体和残留奥氏体,

2. 调温:经过精炼后之巧克力,加入剩余之可可脂,此时成为液状之巧克力液了,从液状巧克力到固状各色各样巧克力成品,还得经过调温(Tempering)、成形(Molding)、冷却(Cooling)之过程,而这些过程,都需凭借经验,小心翼翼操作,若稍不留意,便全功尽弃了.

3. 润麦:小麦的水分含量是小麦种植者和面粉厂家最关心的指标了,因为其直接关系到小麦的价格、保存期、润麦(Tempering)时间以及磨粉工艺. 润麦就是调整小麦水分含量的过程. 小麦在经过除杂以后,就在滚筒(rotating drums)中被湿润,

4. 回水:极软退火 dead-soft annealing | 回水 tempering | 正火 normalizing

tempering 单语例句

1. A lack of capital at banks may inhibit lending to consumers and businesses, tempering any economic recovery.

2. After tempering the scrap iron collected by the whole village into iron water, the performer pours hot water onto ramparts with a willow wood spoon.

3. tempering的意思

3. A stronger RMB could also indirectly increase consumption by tempering the price increases of domestic goods and services.

4. The Chinese authorities are in the process of tempering some of the economy's recent excesses.

5. tempering

5. The PLA regards the exchange of cadres as an important channel for training and tempering them and raising their quality.

6. He also said the changes meet the policy of " tempering justice with mercy ", which means balancing severe punishment with a reduction in prison sentence.

tempering 英英释义


1. hardening something by heat treatment

    Synonym: annealing


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. moderating by making more temperate