
tempestuous [temˈpestʃuəs]  [tɛmˈpɛstʃuəs] 

tempestuous 基本解释

形容词狂暴的; 暴风雨的; 暴风雪的; 剧烈的

tempestuous 相关例句


1. She burst into a tempestuous fit of anger.

tempestuous 网络解释


1. 暴乱的:tempest-tost 多次打击 | tempestuous 暴乱的 | tempestuously 剧烈地

2. 梦幻曲 舒曼:10.Gershwin Fantasy绿袖子幻想曲传统民乐 | 11.tmpromptu Song即兴曲 舒伯特 | 12.Tempestuous梦幻曲 舒曼

3. 有暴风雨的:tempestite 风暴层 | tempestuous 有暴风雨的 | tempestuous 暴乱的

4. 猛烈的:with a 一阵 | tempestuous 猛烈的 | caress. 拥抱.

tempestuous 词典解释

1. (关系)紧张的,跌宕起伏的;(局势)动荡不定的,风云变幻的
    If you describe a relationship or a situation as tempestuous, you mean that very strong and intense emotions, especially anger, are involved.

    e.g. For years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines...
    e.g. Somehow the marriage lasted for eight tempestuous months.
           不管怎么说,那场婚姻还是维持了 8 个月,其间双方的关系一直很紧张。

tempestuous 单语例句

1. He was among the first writers and artists to dip his toe in the tempestuous ocean of wheeling and dealing.

2. tempestuous什么意思

2. No matter, the Los Angeles Lakers dispatched the tempestuous Denver Nuggets anyway.

3. Angelina - who raises six children with Brad - is known for her fiery temper and had a famously tempestuous marriage to Billy Bob Thornton.

tempestuous 英英释义


1. (of the elements) as if showing violent anger

    e.g. angry clouds on the horizon
           furious winds
           the raging sea

    Synonym: angry furious raging wild

2. tempestuous的意思

2. characterized by violent emotions or behavior

    e.g. a stormy argument
           a stormy marriage

    Synonym: stormy