
tending ['tendɪŋ]  ['tendɪŋ] 







tending 基本解释

动词照顾; 照料( tend的现在分词 ); 招待; 侍候

tending 网络解释

1. 照顾,操作:tender 操作工 | tending 照顾,操作 | tending aisle 操作侧,操作面

2. 维护保养 抚育:tenderometer /成熟测度计/ | tending /维护保养/抚育/ | tendinitis /腱炎/

3. 抚育:tendersoft 嫩 | tending 抚育 | tendinosuturetenorrhaphy 肌腱缝合法

tending 单语例句

1. It played out just as Watson imagined, right down to Mickelson's caddie tending the pin on the eagle attempt.

2. tending的解释

2. Besides best dramatic actor as a neglectful dad tending his daughters in The Descendants, he's up for directing and screenplay for The Ides of March.

3. The schools are free of charge to children of commune members tending herds.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. She has returned to her life as a farmer, tending to a small cornfield of her very own.

5. Fu said that the current international situation is tending to ease, and peace and development are the mainstream of time.

6. tending的解释

6. But the only signs of life during a recent visit were a guard shack on the entry road and two farmers tending a nearby field.

7. Farmers are tending to go to the best hospital in the county, the Wuyuan People's Hospital.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. Since more people are tending to goto Europe and America illegally, inspections have been intensified on those flights.

9. tending是什么意思

9. The grisly death surprised other staff at the zoo because the keeper had been tending to the tiger for six years since its birth.

10. So he spends his days honing his martial arts skills, tending to his garden and feeding his chickens when not on patrol.

tending 英英释义



1. the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something

    e.g. no medical care was required
           the old car needs constant attention

    Synonym: care attention aid