tent flap

tent flap

tent flap 双语例句

1. He went into his tent and closed the flap of the tent behind him.

2. Derek pulled the flap of the tent aside and entered, interrupting Cameron's thoughts.

3. John noticed someone opening the flap on the tent, and saw that it was Allison.

4. The first thing Lothar saw as he peeled back the tent flap and stepped outside were his own troops.

5. The important benefits from this design are that the covering is under constant, even tension so that the tent will not flap or shred in the wind.

tent flap

6. He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.

tent flap

7. The shape of the breast was created by suturing the gland and did not rely on the skin. The suturing proceeded alternately from the flap tent to the glandular cone. Finally, the skin was sutured along the areolar incision.

8. Methods Through the periareolar incision, dissection was conducted between the subcutaneous tissue and the glandular tissue to detach the skin flap tent from the gland cone.

9. He held back the flap of the tent.