
testes [ˈtesti:z]  ['testi:z] 


testes 基本解释


testes 网络解释

1. 睾丸:雄(甾)烯二酮检测系统是预期用于血清中雄(甾)烯二酮(由睾丸(testes)、卵巢(ovary)及肾上腺分泌的一种物质)的器械. 雄(甾)烯二酮测定可用于女性体内男性荷尔蒙(androgen)过量的诊断和治疗. (a) 标识.

2. 睪丸:正常成年睪丸(testes) 是产生精子的器官,也分泌雄激素睪丸酮(testosterone). 正常成年男子的睪丸不断地产生精子,没有妇女般的周期性改变. 睪丸的病变,例如腮腺炎并发睪丸炎等,可影响生成精子的数量和质素. 有些性染色体异常的遗传性疾病,

3. 睾丸(复数):prostate 前列腺 | testes 睾丸(复数) | testis 睾丸(单数)

4. 照度计:功率表LODESTAR330 | 照度计TESTES-1332 | 射频功率计BIRO43

testes 单语例句

1. Authorities randomly picked 20 out of the 264 pigs for urine testes Wednesday, and all tests came back positive.

2. " This thing was basically a set of testes looking for the female, " Johnson said.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. This leads to the maturing of testes in boys and ovaries in girls.