
testify [ˈtestɪfaɪ]  ['testɪfaɪ] 







testify 基本解释

不及物动词作证; 证明; 证实; 声明

及物动词作证; 证明,为…提供证明; 公开宣称,宣布

testify 网络解释

1. 证实:我们如何证实(TESTIFY)企业大学所产生的投资回报?1. 如何运用培训平衡记分卡从培训在帮助企业建立员工队伍的承诺(COMMITMENT)和素质(COMPETENCE)以便本质上创造以人力资源为竞争优势的方法和实例.

2. 见证:但经上说不许女人在会中传道、讲道,也不许女人已任何形式辖管男人. 神召女人作先知(PROPHETS)、说预言(PROPHESY),作见证(TESTIFY),以及任何不处于领袖(LEAD)、辖管(RULE)、教导(TEACH)人等任何占上风地位的服侍人员.

3. 做证:take an oath:宣誓 | testify:做证 | traffic court:交通法庭

testify 词典解释

1. (在法庭上)作证,证明
    When someone testifies in a court of law, they give a statement of what they saw someone do or what they know of a situation, after having promised to tell the truth.

    e.g. Several eyewitnesses testified that they saw the officers hit Miller in the face...
    e.g. Eva testified to having seen Herndon with his gun on the stairs...

2. 证明;证实
    If one thing testifies to another, it supports the belief that the second thing is true.

    e.g. Recent excavations testify to the presence of cultivated inhabitants on the hill during the Arthurian period.

testify 单语例句

1. testify

1. He also didn't rule out calling Petraeus to testify on Benghazi at some point.

2. And it's a good job for us that Oscar didn't, as anyone who's been to Press Club Bar can testify.

3. Some alleged victims who were cited by the prosecution are understood to now be willing to testify that she did not cheat them.

4. testify什么意思

4. Often, stars involved in civil matters only appear in court when they testify.

5. testify

5. But when the two come around the same time, it can be a headache and a heartache as Miranda Li can testify.

6. testify的反义词

6. The statement also urges prosecutors to give serious consideration to deciding whether to compel the victims to testify against their will.

7. There is a separation of powers and advisors to the president under that constitutional principle are not generally required to go and testify in Congress.

8. Over and over again their looks connect and testify to their contentment, one that anyone who tries can feel.

9. Each of the committees has the power to convene periodical hearings in which witnesses may be summoned to testify.

10. testify

10. The coroner will then begin deciding what witnesses to call to testify, a process that could take weeks.

testify 英英释义


1. give testimony in a court of law

    Synonym: attest take the stand bear witness

2. provide evidence for

    e.g. The blood test showed that he was the father
           Her behavior testified to her incompetence

    Synonym: bear witness prove evidence show