
testing [ˈtestɪŋ] [ˈtestiŋ] 








testing 基本解释



形容词与试验有关的,试验的; 棘手的


testing 情景对话


Quality Control-(品管)

A:We're having some quality-control problems, Jim. We need to go to the source to work them out.

B:What problems are you having, exactly?

A:The complaint rate for our new product line is very high, almost seven percent.

B:That's high.

A:Yes. We keep finding problems when testing the boards.

B:But your promotional materials claim the boards are the least expensive of their type on the market.

A:The least expensive, but still fully functional. And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality control.

B:That will involve additional expenses for us, which we'll have to pass on to you as a rate hike.

A:I'm afraid that's unacceptable. Your contract says that you will deliver a product with a reject rate of less than five percent.

B:Well, I'll tell you what, Mike. I'll review the contract and talk with management. Then we'll get together and hash this out.

testing 网络解释


1. 试验:康德认为知识没有经验是不能存在的,所以他认为知识应该透过试验(testing)去证明,在此,康德结合了理性主义(依赖人的理性分析)及经验主义(用科学方法证明事物).

2. 施测:teach)和施测(testing)2003.196 1.00 知识(knowledge) 学习所得事实性知识的种类及数量1.24 规准的知识(knowledge of criteria) 种事实、意见、原则及品行判断英文动词时态使用、静测量或判断各计报表处理 理解(comprehension) 了解欲传递讯息的2.30 推断(extrapolation) 推广资料的意义,

3. testing:tst; 测试

testing 词典解释

1. (问题、局势)难对付的,考验人的,棘手的
    A testing problem or situation is very difficult to deal with and shows a lot about the character of the person who is dealing with it.

    e.g. The most testing time is undoubtedly in the early months of your return to work...
    e.g. The papers in maths and English are very testing.

2. 检验;试验;检测
    Testing is the activity of testing something or someone in order to find out information.

    e.g. ...product testing and labelling...
    e.g. The National Collegiate Athletic Association introduced drug testing in the mid-1980s.
           美国大学体育联合会在 20 世纪 80 年代中期开始实行药物检测。

testing 单语例句

1. Adding to the buzz surrounding Wie are her forays in testing her skills against men and her youthful approach to golf fashion.

2. Swiss watchmaker Omega participated in last weekend's Good Luck Beijing Athletics Open by testing its timing system preparation for the Beijing Olympics.

3. testing

3. The $ 3 million project involves testing several thousand wheat samples provided by both sides.

4. testing的反义词

4. A fruit candy using local produce is currently undergoing testing, and plans are also in the works to sell village hazelnuts to the local markets.

5. The new machinery test center focuses on product verification and validation, with the capability of testing components and complete tractors as well as combine harvesters.

6. Qiu cited the case of milk powder, which was difficult to export due to inadequate carbohydrate testing.

7. The NFL said it would also introduce the additional use of carbon isotope ratio testing on a random basis to detect low doses of testosterone.

8. The testing will be carried out over the next two to three years.

9. testing的反义词

9. The Tour director said that although the race would go on, the latest drug case showed cycling's testing system doesn't work.

10. More intriguing, the device allows easier testing of whether certain medications might prevent or slow cataract formation.

testing 英英释义


1. testing的翻译

1. the act of giving students or candidates a test (as by questions) to determine what they know or have learned

    Synonym: examination

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. the act of subjecting to experimental test in order to determine how well something works

    e.g. they agreed to end the testing of atomic weapons

3. an examination of the characteristics of something

    e.g. there are laboratories for commercial testing
           it involved testing thousands of children for smallpox