
testy [ˈtesti]  [ˈtɛsti] 

testy 基本解释


testy 网络解释


1. 易怒的:testudo 龟甲形大盾 | testy 易怒的 | tetanic spasm 肌肉强直性痉挛

2. 易怒的,急躁的:terebinth 篤褥香(漆樹科樹木,產生松節油) | testy 易怒的,急躁的 | thong 細長皮帶,皮條,皮鞭,鞭梢

3. 暴躁:terrible 可怕 | testy 暴躁 | thoughtless 輕率

4. 易怒的, 暴躁的:envoy外交使节, 特使 | testy易怒的, 暴躁的 | Kosovo科索沃[南斯拉夫自治省名]

testy 词典解释

1. testy的反义词

1. 急躁的;没耐心的;易怒的
    If you describe someone as testy, you mean that they easily become impatient or angry.

    e.g. Ben's getting a little testy in his old age.

He reacted testily to reports that he'd opposed military involvement.
testy 单语例句

1. The Spaniard became a little testy and cracks appeared in his usually calm demeanor.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Dick Cheney became testy last week when CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked him what he thought of conservatives who are critical of his daughter's pregnancy.

3. The candidates'polemics are extraordinarily testy, and it is scary to imagine encore performances to follow some of the recent pronouncements.

4. Their dilemmas have sparked some testy exchanges with the United States and its allies, especially Australia.

5. There were plenty of testy moments in the game as Miami star Dwyane Wade banged his head on the floor in the first half.

6. Still smarting over Janet Jackson, the National Football League sounded testy about seeing its teams in bed with Desperate Housewives.

7. The case took a testy turn when US and Mexican officials traded suggestions of misconduct in the incident.

8. Kevin Durant led the Thunder with 30 points and Russell Westbrook added 18 points in a game that turned testy at times.

9. testy的解释

9. He has had a testy relationship with Obama, though both insist their coordination on Middle East security is sound.

10. Patterson and Odom say that when they have pressed Palin about diversity in hiring, she gets defensive and even testy.

testy 英英释义


1. easily irritated or annoyed

    e.g. an incorrigibly fractious young man
           not the least nettlesome of his countrymen

    Synonym: cranky fractious irritable nettlesome peevish peckish pettish petulant scratchy tetchy techy