
tete-a-tete [ˌteɪt ɑ: ˈteɪt] [teitɑ:ˈteit] 

tete-a-tete 基本解释


tete-a-tete 网络解释

1. 两人私下的:tetchy 易怒的 | tete-a-tete 两人私下的 | tether 范围

2. 单独会晤,密谈:chic adj. 别致的,时尚的 | tete-a-tete 单独会晤,密谈 | en bloc 整体上

3. 亲密交谈 (头对头):souvenir: 纪念品 | tete-a-tete: 亲密交谈 (头对头) | a la carte: 点菜菜单, 相对于套餐

4. 促膝谈心:souvenir: 纪念品 | tete-a-tete: 促膝谈心 | a la carte: 点菜菜单, 相对于套餐

tete-a-tete 双语例句

1. Flex your conversational muscles and enjoy the witty tete-a-tete, but just make sure your fellow debater isn't taking your well-intentioned quips and ripostes, brickbats, digs, zingers, etc.


2. At that moment Wang Ho-fu and Sun Chi-jen were engaged in a tete-a-tete in the conference room; when Wu Sunfu dashed in looking rather distraught, they sprang to their feet in wide-eyed surprise.

3. The tete-a-tete was decorous in the extreme.


4. Maybe bring him in for a tete-a-tete.

5. Don't mean to break up this tete-a-tete, just wanted to introduce myself.


6. Sitting next to one another in a booth, rather than across from each other at a table, is another seductive way to encourage a little tete-a-tete.

7. The two women had a tete-a-tete in the corner.

8. Pay particular attention to a tete-a-tete or heart-to-heart you have as the week begins.


9. After dessert he goes downstairs, leaving his wife and the young man together in a tete-a-tete over coffee.

10. You're low-key on Sunday, and a tete-a-tete looks to be very productive.

11. They can even respond in kind, triggering a visual meets verbal tete-a-tete.


12. By now we are tete-a-tete.

13. Half hour's tete-a-tete about knickers.

tete-a-tete 英英释义



1. small sofa that seats two people

    Synonym: love seat loveseat vis-a-vis

2. a private conversation between two people


1. involving two persons
    intimately private

    e.g. a tete-a-tete supper
           a head-to-head conversation

    Synonym: head-to-head