
textbook [ˈtekstbʊk]  [ˈtɛkstˌbʊk] 


textbook 基本解释

名词教材; 教科书; 课本

形容词规范的; 标准的

textbook 相关例句


1. He was reading a math textbook in the library.

textbook 网络解释

1. 教科书:阅读性图书有专著(Monograph)和丛书(Series of monograph)、教科书(Textbook)等. 参考性工具书有词典(Dictionary)、手册(Handbook)、百科全书(Encyclopedia)等. 会议文献是指国际学术会议和各国国内重要学术会议上发表的论文和报告.

2. 教材:本套教材包括<<英语口译实务>>教材(Textbook)和<<英语口译实务>>练习册(Workbook)两本书,并配有磁带. 本教材设有十六个单元,涵盖口译工作涉及到的多个专题领域,并讲解交替传译的基本技巧和方法.

3. 教科书,课本:tetreode 四级管 | textbook 教科书,课本 | texture 结构,组织

textbook 词典解释

1. 课本;教材;教科书
    A textbook is a book containing facts about a particular subject that is used by people studying that subject.

    e.g. She wrote a textbook on international law.
    e.g. ...a chemistry textbook.

2. (案件、例子)典型的,典范的
    If you say that something is a textbook case or example, you are emphasizing that it provides a clear example of a type of situation or event.

    e.g. The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture...
    e.g. France Telecom is a textbook model of what can be achieved by a state-owned company.

textbook 单语例句

1. Today a business textbook would probably render that as " target those at the top end of your market ".

2. textbook的意思

2. The bureau warmed that if publishers fail to comply, it will call in tenders " to introduce more competition into the monopolized textbook market ".

3. A separate civics textbook by Fuso refers to the islets at the center of the dispute with Seoul as " under illegal occupation by South Korea ".

4. The first round was launched in 2002 and ended earlier this year, but experts who took part in the studies did not address the textbook issue.

5. Analysts familiar with the Taliban believe the code is more of a political statement than a military textbook.

6. That's common sense, as Mandarin is just a textbook language for the majority of the country.

7. Krugman should know that there is something called comparative advantage in Samuelson's textbook.

8. He later organized the compilation of China's first national standard textbook for psychiatrists.

9. His daughter has been encouraging him to compile his field work experience into a handbook, which would be more practical than an academic textbook.

10. textbook

10. The students just copy down what's on the board, and then go over the textbook.

textbook 英英释义



1. a book prepared for use in schools or colleges

    e.g. his economics textbook is in its tenth edition
           the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy

    Synonym: text text edition schoolbook school text


1. according to or characteristic of a casebook or textbook

    e.g. a casebook schizophrenic
           a textbook example

    Synonym: casebook