the last words

the last words

the last words 基本解释
the last words 网络解释

1. 遗言:the last word 最后一句话 | the last words 遗言 | the law of causation 因果律

2. 临终遗言:(11)waste one's words 白费口舌 | (12)the last words 临终遗言 | (13)sharp words 苛刻的话

3. 最後的語言:Crucifixion 釘在十字架上 | The last words; 最後的語言 | The veil; 聖所的帳幔;

4. 遗嘱:the last word最后一句话 | the last words遗嘱 | on the rock基础坚实

the last words 单语例句

1. Beichuan Middle School will forever preserve the words left by Premier Wen Jiabao last week on the school's chalkboard " challenges make a nation much stronger ".

2. the last words

2. One only has to type the first and last letter of a word, and a list of words will pop up to choose from.

3. Investigators also hoped to recover the cockpit voice recorder to see if it captured the last words of the pilots and other clues.

4. Flight 93's cockpit recorder captured the hijackers'last words and a flight attendant's begging for her life.


5. But I guess they don't really care about how the new words will work or how long they will last.

6. the last words的意思

6. Even President Barack Obama who vowed last month in Australia that the US should lead in this regard probably knew how hollow his words were.

7. " We promise you that these will be the last words, " the statement said.

8. Because Hou died suddenly and left no will or last words, the distribution of his huge legacy became the focus of many media.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. I am told that his last words were, 'I am the happiest man in the world.

10. This year it launched a program encouraging patients to write down their last words for the people they care for the most.