the other day

the other day [ðə ˈʌðə(r dei]  [ði ˈʌðər de] 

the other day 基本解释

the other day

日前; 前几天

the other day 网络解释

1. 几天前:解析:该句实际上是对几天前(the other day)的动作的反问, 因而应用过去时态. 答案为B. 解析:由主句的过去完成时态(had already been)可推知从句应以过去的动作(arrived)作为参照物. 故正确答案为B.

2. 在不久前某天:the moment that 一...就... more or less 或多或少;左右 | the other day 在不久前某天 | the rank and file 普通士兵们,老百姓们

3. 前几天:impurity gas 掺杂气体 | the other day 前几天 | political work 政治课

4. 在不久前,前几天:过时 out of date | 在不久前,前几天 the other day | 对...充耳不闻 be deaf to sth.

the other day 单语例句

1. The other day I bought a cactus, took it home and watered it.

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2. Kang has to buy more than 40 yuan worth of meat, other food and calcium to feed the dog every day.

3. A British security official said earlier in the day that Pakistan and several other nations were asked to check possible links with the suspects.

4. the other day

4. She does it not because she has no other means of supporting herself, which she does during the day as a clerk at a travel agency.

5. the other day

5. The Forbidden City and other popular tourist venues will begin closing to visitors from Tuesday, just two days out from National Day holiday.

6. the other day什么意思

6. Scientists denied that the launch time was chosen to mark National Day, saying the launch date was purely coincidental and determined by other factors.

7. The hearing was adjourned at 6 pm and will continue on some other day.

8. the other day的意思

8. The arrays - so thin they can conform to the surface of the brain - may one day treat epilepsy or other conditions.

9. The free vaccines cover students and other participants in the National Day parade, who can get vaccinated at a designated place and time after signing an application sheet.

10. He beat the cremator with other villagers the next day and Ning admitted he was told to do that.