
therefore [ˈðeəfɔ:(r)]  [ˈðerfɔ:(r)] 

therefore 基本解释


副词因此; 所以; 故; 乃

therefore 网络解释


1. 表示结果:我们知道遗传标记提供独有的识别特征(unique identification)把人们连接在一起,形成家族树. 换句话说,能对家族树进行研究,是因为遗传标记的独71. A)从上下文意思判断,此处表示结果(therefore),而不是转折(nevertheless),让步(still)或对比(conversely),A正确.

therefore 词典解释


1. 所以;因此;因而
    You use therefore to introduce a logical result or conclusion.

    e.g. Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories...
    e.g. Nothing was to prevent him now from becoming the richest, and therefore the happiest, man in the world.

therefore 单语例句

1. METP therefore provides seven months of Business Chinese language training, followed by three months of practical training during internships in China.

2. It is therefore fully possible for our business relations to enter a new stage of growth.

3. therefore

3. Therefore, the government should act quickly to ensure an adequate and timely supply of vaccines.

4. Therefore, most " Hakka villages " in the New Territories are surrounded by hills and mountains.

5. therefore的解释

5. Morgan Stanley therefore expected China's central bank to cut benchmark interest rates aggressively by an additional 162 basis points over the course of 2009.

6. A more important reason is that I can therefore manage my own workload rather than have it decided for me by an agency.

7. The drivers of competition between the two countries will therefore be shaped by water and energy rather than by efforts to expand trade.

8. therefore的近义词

8. The therapist therefore advocates looking for things that trigger laughter in daily life and activating the laugh reflex.

9. Therefore, the key to cancel tolls is to guarantee reserve funds.

10. Therefore, consumers must help build an active and healthy buyer's market.

therefore 英英释义


1. (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result

    e.g. therefore X must be true
           the eggs were fresh and hence satisfactory
           we were young and thence optimistic
           it is late and thus we must go
           the witness is biased and so cannot be trusted

    Synonym: hence thence thus so

2. therefore

2. as a consequence

    e.g. he had good reason to be grateful for the opportunities which they had made available to him and which consequently led to the good position he now held

    Synonym: consequently