they say

they say [ðei sei]  [ðe se] 

they say 基本解释


they say 情景对话

The First Class-(第一堂课)

A:Today I had my first English class.

B:How was it?

A:It was interesting.The teacher gave us three ways to help ourselves learn the language. First, stop talking anything except English. Then learn many complete sentences by heart.Finally, have American friends tell us how they say things we have trouble with, and always imitate them.


A:Yelling to Rose) Rose, Don and I are going to buy some drinks.

B:(Quietly to Sue) Rose and Herb are from the Dark Ages!

A:I've never seen two people who are so nervous when together.

B:This is going to be a major disaster.

A:You're right. They won't say a word to each other...

B:...the whole evening.

A:They won't get together, ever.


B:What is your strongest trait?

A:Helpfulness and caring./Adaptability and sense of humor./Cheerfulness and friendliness.

B:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?

A:They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends./They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.

B:What personality traits do you admire?

A:(I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going./(I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit.

they say 网络解释

1. 据传:It is investigated that... 据查...... | They say... 据传...... | It is estimated that... 据估计......

2. 人家说......, 据说:For him to master English, it would be necessary to study twice as hard as his classmates. 他想要... | 19. They say ... 人家说......, 据说...... | They say there's a sale on clothes on Beijing Road. 据...

3. 据说:Well, I certainly don't think about leaping off of a building.|我绝对没想过要跳楼 | They say...|据说K | I read this in this fantastically depressing book.|我看过一本令人沮丧的书

4. 他们说:They say 他们说 | I need some Rogaine 我需要Rogaine牌增发剂 | To put in my hair 抹到头发里

they say 单语例句

1. All the hotels say they have been busy getting ready for tourists from all over for the coming season.

2. At first it required " kicking some butt " as they say in the movies.


3. They also say it may be a move by the White House to pass through the Congress its personnel appointment.

4. They say those prisoners by definition had psychological problems, even if they were not receiving mental health treatment.

5. And they say they must act to make up for what they have erred by going green.

6. Locals say they are concerned about a potential leak of the toxic chemical dioxin, a byproduct of burning plastic.

7. CAAC has refused to say whether they will be armed, but has said they will be able to subdue potential hijacking attempts swiftly.

8. Some Cabinet members say they want it moved off Japanese territory entirely, which is the sentiment of many local residents.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Even when cadaver dogs pick up a scent, workers say they frequently can't get at the bodies without heavy equipment.


10. " They say he's got love problems, " Cinnamon Rolls cafeteria employee Ana Elena Ruiz said.