1. 增稠剂:主要需要了解防腐剂(preservative)、乳化剂(emulsifier)和增稠剂(Thickener),这三种辅料是大多数护肤品必备的成份,婴儿产品也概莫能外,但是由于不同的化学品安全*差异巨大,所以价格也天差地别,谨防有些公司为了降低成本而采用有潜在威胁(比如可能的致癌*)的辅料.
2. 稠化剂:润滑脂(Lubricating grease)为润滑油与金属皂(Metallic soap)或其它稠化剂(Thickener)制成之半固体制品. 近年来亦有以合成润滑油代替石油基润滑油,制成合成润滑脂,供特殊用途之制品. 其掺配过程及性状与液体润滑剂又有不同,
3. 浓缩机:thick walled pipe 厚管 | thickener 浓缩机 | thickening 浓缩
4. 浓缩器:thiazole dye 噻唑染料 | thickener 浓缩器 | thin film 薄膜
1. 增稠剂;稠化剂
A thickener is a substance that is added to a liquid in order to make it stiffer and more solid.
e.g. ...cornstarch, used as a thickener...
e.g. How much thickener is used?
1. Leong said some cubilose dealers add tapioca as a thickener, and some even dye the nests with material containing nitrite.
2. thickener
2. Ice cream texture is created with virtual of carageenan, used as " thickener " and " emulsifier ".