think aloud

think aloud [θiŋk əˈlaud]  [θɪŋk əˈlaʊd] 

think aloud 基本解释

think aloud


think aloud 网络解释

think aloud的意思

1. 放聲思考:自我效能感和控制信念在概念改变过程中的潜在中介作用.为了探讨自我解释对于问题解决的学习影响,Chi(1989)以物理学为学科领域,要求大学生在进行力学范例学习的同时,以放声思考(think aloud)的方式让研究人员了解学习者内部的自我解释历程,

2. 自言自语:think about 考虑 | think aloud 自言自语 | think back 回想

3. 出声思维:think about 考虑 | think aloud 出声思维 | think bank 思想库

think aloud 单语例句

1. A friend is someone who lets you have the freedom to be yourself and before whom you may think aloud.