
threaded [ˈθredɪd] [ˈθredid] 





threaded 基本解释
threaded 网络解释

1. 螺纹:公司主要产品有法兰盘系列:国标(GB)、机械部标准(JB)、化工部标准(HG)、美国国家标准(ANSI)、日本标准(JIS)、德国标准(DIS)、英国标准(BS)等国内外标准及非标法兰 ,有滑套(SLIP-ON)、焊颈(WELDING NECK)、搭接(LAP JOINT)、承窝(SOCKET WELDING)、螺纹(THREADED)、盲板(BLIND

2. 有螺纹的:thread pitch 螺距 | threaded 有螺纹的 | threaded ring 螺纹压圈

3. 车了螺纹的:threaded tube 两端有螺纹的管子 | threaded 车了螺纹的 | threader 螺纹加工机

4. 带螺纹的:threadcomputing 运作 | threaded 带螺纹的 | threadless 无螺纹的

threaded 单语例句

1. The game was effectively over after 18 minutes when Adebayor threaded in a shot from an acute angle.

2. Joao Pereira threaded a ball to Ronaldo who finished in characteristic style to send the teams in level at the break.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. It was not until Xavi threaded a clever through ball into Ronaldinho's path three minutes before the break that they broke down the Valladolid defence.

4. The exterior is often embroidered with posh patterns, while the mouth is threaded with a silk string that can be tightened and loosened.

5. Stenting are tiny mesh tubes threaded into arteries to keep the blood flowing smoothly.

6. I wanted to head back when we threaded our way along the crowded and noisy expressway on our way to the beach.

7. Among these, the jade attire threaded with gold is the most valuable.

8. It's the same philosophy threaded through Armstrong's book and what he tells other survivors every time they meet.

9. threaded

9. I then burned cigarette holes through the cloth of both sides of the split, threaded them together using the cord and prayed the improvised stitching would hold.

threaded 英英释义



1. (of bolts or screws) having screw threads