three sides

three sides

three sides 单语例句

1. It has bone joints on three parts and is only nourished by blood from two sides.

2. It is an artificial land encircled by sea from three sides and has a total area of about 30 square kilometers.

3. three sides什么意思

3. For those who are less fit, three cable car routes can convey you up the hill sides.

4. Surrounded by chains of mountains on four sides and water on three sides, the city is reputed for its ecological environment and for being quiet and comfortable.

5. three sides

5. The two sides talked for three hours at the offices of Afghan Red Crescent in Ghazni.

6. three sides

6. Hu also expressed his hope that both sides would establish three direct links - trade, transport and postal services - across the Taiwan Straits at an early date.

7. The realization of the three direct links of trade, transportation and mail services between the mainland and Taiwan will benefit both sides.

8. Few people know there is a dynamic expat community on an island ringed on three sides by a river near the town.

9. All the three agreements would take effect within 90 days of their signing, the two sides agreed.

10. The effective period of the arrangement will be three years and can be extended by agreement between the two sides.