
thresholds [θ'reʃhəʊldz]  [θ'reʃhoʊldz] 



thresholds 基本解释
门槛( threshold的名词复数 );临界值;级限协定;跑道入口;
thresholds 网络解释


1. 阈值:---- 实时监测您的七号信令链路,而不会影响到网络中的其他部分. 当有任何电话用户在网络上突破了你事先定义的阈值(Thresholds)时,反欺诈管理系统会立即向你报告.

2. 阀值:您将了解如何使用监控器 (Monitors) 和阀值 (Thresholds) 来监视 AIX 系统资源状态,以及如何使用自动化计划 (Automation Plans) 来实现异常状态的自动响应.

3. 门限值阀值:Three Duration Technique 三点估算法 | Thresholds 门限值阀值 | Tied Activities 受束缚的活动群

thresholds 单语例句

1. I think it is important to activate private capital by lowering the thresholds in several industries.

2. The growing market in China has attracted multinational nutritional supplement manufacturers, despite high thresholds to enter the market and cumbersome approval procedures.

3. thresholds的翻译

3. We hope the mainland can lower the thresholds in the financial sector, so more Hong Kong financial institutes can goto the mainland to provide effective financial services.

4. He even ordered the thresholds of some palace gates removed so he could ride without hindrance.


5. Many people proposed that there should be different exemption thresholds in line with the local individual income level.

6. But have the revised law and new regulations lowered people's thresholds for divorce, as some people have anticipated?

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. The thresholds leading to the unroofed inner courtyard are unusually high, an indicator of his high rank.

8. thresholds的近义词

8. Both sets of guidelines present much lower thresholds than the Shanghai main board and SME Market in Shenzhen.

9. Suggested moves include opening multiple channels to raise funds, further lowering thresholds for SMEs to apply for loans and providing better financing services.

10. If a proposed acquisition meets the minimum thresholds an antitrust filing must be lodged with MOC and SAIC.