
thumping [ˈθʌmpɪŋ]  [ˈθʌmpɪŋ] 







thumping 基本解释

形容词重击的; 重大的,巨大的; 尺码大的; 极好的

副词极端地; 非常地

动词重击(thump的现在分词); 狠打; 怦怦地跳; 全力支持

thumping 网络解释

1. 巨大的:thumper 强打 | thumping 巨大的 | thunder against 恐吓

2. 极大的:Screech 发出尖锐的声音 | Thumping 极大的 | Momentarily 即刻

3. 尺码大的,极大的,非常的,极好的:thruster 推杆 | thumping 尺码大的,极大的,非常的,极好的 | tide level 潮位

4. 巨大的/惊人的/天大的:thumbtack /图钉/摁钉儿/ | thumping /巨大的/惊人的/天大的/ | thunder-gust /伴有大风的雷暴雨/

thumping 词典解释

1. 极大的;了不起的;严重的
    Thumping is used to emphasize that something is very great or severe.

    e.g. The Right has a thumping majority...
    e.g. The gloom deepened after a thumping £45m loss at British Rail.
           英国铁路公司遭受了 4,500 万英镑的巨额损失后境况更加惨淡。

2. see also: thump

thumping 单语例句

1. A thumping winner off a tame Simon serve brought up championship point which he converted after Simon dumped a volley into the net.

2. For a while it seemed like the cinema was the only darkened room in the area for a thumping soundtrack and a place to snog.

3. On your way downstairs you're drawn by the distinct and rhythmic thumping of the lower level club.

4. At the end of the first session, my head was thumping and my ears were ringing.

5. That gave Ivanovic a free run at every corner and he took full advantage with two thumping headers past Jose Reina.

6. thumping的意思

6. Zheng wasted her first set point but gleefully converted the second with a thumping forehand.

7. A group of teenaged boys jumped out of their cars and started dancing to thumping Iranian pop music.

8. WASHINGTON - President Bush pledged Wednesday to work with Democrats after the " thumping " that Republicans took on Election Day.

9. thumping是什么意思

9. There are two big guitars, keyboards for bass and thumping drums.

10. But once I got over my tee shot, my heart was thumping.

thumping 英英释义


1. a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)

    Synonym: thump clump clunk thud


1. thumping

1. (used informally) very large

    e.g. a thumping loss

    Synonym: humongous banging whopping walloping