
tide [taɪd]  [taɪd] 








tide 基本解释


名词潮汐; 潮流,趋势; 时机; 时期,季节

及物动词顺应潮水航行; 使随潮水漂行

tide 相关词组


1. tail to the tide : 随潮起伏;

2. go with the tide : 赶潮流, 随波逐流;

3. tide over : 克服;

4. swim with the tide : 随波逐流;

tide 相关例句



1. The ship is tiding into the harbor.

2. He sold his furniture to tide over his illness.


1. We must not ignore the tide of popular opinion.

2. The tide is in.

tide 网络解释


1. 潮:艺术想象力把567个数字挂钟变成一个叫做<<潮>>(Tide)的艺术品,反映了时间无情地流逝. 如欲取得最佳浏览效果,请使用最新的、使用串联样式表(CSS)的浏览器. 虽然你可以使用目前的浏览器浏览网站,但是,你不能获得最佳视觉享受.

2. 潮汐:罗勃.李(Robert Rhea)是1930年代的技术分析学者,他将这三种趋势分别比喻为潮汐(tide)、波浪(wave)与涟漪(ripple). 他认为,交易者应该顺着潮汐方向交易,掌握波浪的走势,不需要理会涟漪. 每位交易者都必须决定自己所希望交易的时间架构,

tide 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 潮;潮水;潮汐
    The tide is the regular change in the level of the sea on the shore.

    e.g. The tide was at its highest...
    e.g. The tide was going out, and the sand was smooth and glittering...

2. (不断冲刷海岸的)潮水,潮汐
    A tide is a current in the sea that is caused by the regular and continuous movement of large areas of water towards and away from the shore.

    e.g. Roman vessels used to sail with the tide from Boulogne to Richborough.

3. (观点等的)潮流,趋势
    The tide of opinion, for example, is what the majority of people think at a particular time.

    e.g. The tide of opinion seems overwhelmingly in his favour.

4. (无法抗拒的)潮流,浪潮
    People sometimes refer to events or forces that are difficult or impossible to control as the tide of history, for example.

    e.g. They talked of reversing the tide of history...
    e.g. The tide of war swept back across their country.

5. tide的解释

5. (尤指不好的)浪潮,势头
    You can talk about a tide of something, especially something which is unpleasant, when there is a large and increasing amount of it.

    e.g. ...an ever increasing tide of crime...
    e.g. The tide of nationalism is still running high in a number of republics.

6. see also: high tide;low tide

相关词组:tide over

tide 单语例句

1. The shielding canister deformed under a sudden increase of hydraulic pressure from a flood tide, according to a local media report.

2. He added that signing the CECA as soon as possible would be assisting both sides to tide over the financial downturn.

3. A number of media have changed their agendas to ride the tide.

4. The cheerful farewell party came to an emotional moment as a song named " Don't go my friends " brought the atmosphere to a high tide.

5. The official also said tax reduction policies would compliment the historical tide.

6. Comrade Xiaoping's visit to Shenzhen has entailed the further surge of spring tide in Shenzhen's reform and opening up drive.

7. " I suddenly saw many coral reefs appearing and the tide seemed to be getting stronger, " said ship captain Chen Yan.

8. tide

8. The tide may be about to turn for investors who have shunned European companies with exposure to a US market roiled by the credit crisis.

9. tide什么意思

9. Tu said people can't prevent salt tide but can help cut down its damage.

10. The shaft deformed seriously under sudden increase of hydraulic pressure from flood tide, but Fan survived without injuries.

tide 英英释义


1. the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the gravitational pull of the moon

2. something that may increase or decrease (like the tides of the sea)

    e.g. a rising tide of popular interest

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. there are usually two high and two low tides each day

    Synonym: lunar time period


1. be carried with the tide

2. cause to float with the tide

3. rise or move forward

    e.g. surging waves

    Synonym: surge