
tidings [ˈtaɪdɪŋz]  [ˈtaɪdɪŋz] 

tidings 基本解释


名词<古>消息; 音

tidings 相关例句


1. He kissed her and told her the good tidings.

tidings 网络解释

1. 消息:根据<<牛津英语词典>>的解释,在古英语中有newes、 newis、 newys 、niewes等多种表达方式,表达1、新的事物、小说;2、消息(Tidings)、对新近事实的报告;3、单条消息;4、消息发送、送信者、印刷品;5报纸等多种意思.

2. 音信:Rewind倒退*3 | Tidings音信*1 | Darkblast黑暗衝擊波*1

3. 消毗/音信/信/消息:tidiness /整齐/整洁/ | tidings /消毗/音信/信/消息/ | tidology /潮汐学/

tidings 词典解释

1. 消息
    You can use tidings to refer to news that someone tells you.

    e.g. He hated always to be the bearer of bad tidings...
    e.g. I dare to hope that your heart will be touched by the tidings of my survival.

tidings 单语例句

1. Businesses in Beijing are gearing up for one of the biggest shopping seasons in China, but some predict bad tidings for profit after the economic crisis.

2. In addition, property owners constantly raise rents in sync with the good tidings of the film industry.

3. Shaanxi province's Ansai county is a national base for the folk culture industry, which is experiencing both good and bad tidings.

tidings 英英释义



1. information about recent and important events

    e.g. they awaited news of the outcome

    Synonym: news intelligence word