

tightlipped 网络解释


1. 沉默寡言. 形容词:tightwad 吝啬, 守财奴, 名词 | tightlipped 沉默寡言. 形容词 | tightrope 供杂技演员表演用的钢索. 困难的处境, 名词

tightlipped 双语例句


1. Most of the employees at that company are tightlipped about their work.

2. He is tightlipped about the information.

3. The publishers remained tightlipped in regards to what might be in store for readers by way of plot.


4. He remained tightlipped when asked about Artest constantly yammering in his ear whenever they play.

5. 4J0 He is tightlipped about the information.

6. With two days to go before the start of the Beijing Olympics, the organizers remain tightlipped about the details of thelighting of the cauldron at the opening ceremony and the identity of the last torch bearer.

tightlipped 单语例句

1. tightlipped什么意思

1. AEG Live has so far been tightlipped about the amount of insurance coverage it had for the concerts and which companies were the underwriters.

2. tightlipped是什么意思

2. The committees behind the awards are notoriously tightlipped and refuse to say who has been nominated.

3. But he remained tightlipped about a new round of purchase talks from its listing arms.

4. But the regional carrier is remaining tightlipped on whether its application to fly to Germany has been approved.

5. But officials at the Beijing office of Airbus remained tightlipped about the deal, saying that they did not have information pertaining to it.

6. Pakistani and American officials have long been tightlipped on the status of Nasar.

7. However, the China branch of Airbus remained tightlipped on the issue.

8. tightlipped的翻译

8. Both sides have been tightlipped on details of negotiations after several rounds of talks between special envoys.

9. Officials have been publicly tightlipped in recent days about the move to reduce the tours.

10. tightlipped在线翻译

10. But the two government bodies remained tightlipped yesterday when asked about the possible changes.

tightlipped 英英释义


1. inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information

    e.g. although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it

    Synonym: close closelipped closemouthed secretive