time bomb

time bomb [taim bɔm]  [taɪm bɑm] 

time bomb的意思

第三人称复数:time bombs

time bomb 基本解释


time bomb 网络解释

time bomb的解释

1. 定时炸弹:在旁边的实验室里拿回全部装备,记住把定时炸弹(Time Bomb)扔掉(打开物品栏选中定时炸弹,按住的同时按动作键). 等炸弹爆炸以后,躲开右边的感应机枪,用身份卡打开门离开. 终于到达下面平台,在上方通道尽头有三个卫兵. 在左边的栏杆处趴下来,

2. 时间炸弹:在法庭上的证词表明公司由被告的时间炸弹(time bomb)所造成的损失超过 $100,000美圆,详细的损失还没有完全确定清楚. 在6天的诉讼中证据表明 Mr. Shea在2001年8月被公司聘请为程序员和公司的特殊金融软件计算机网络的管理员.

3. 定时炸弹(要再选择安装位置):Suicide Truck - 自殺卡車 | Time Bomb - 定時炸彈(要再選擇安裝位置) | Air Strike - 空襲支援

4. 计时炸弹:看似没有危险look quite innocuous | 计时炸弹time-bomb | 破坏附近停泊的车辆,并引起火警shattering nearby vehicles and causing fires

time bomb 词典解释
time bomb

1. 定时炸弹
    A time bomb is a bomb with a mechanism that causes it to explode at a particular time.

2. 潜在的严重问题
    If you describe something as a time bomb, you mean that it is likely to have a serious effect on a person or situation at a later date, especially if you think it will cause a lot of damage.

    e.g. This proposal is a political time bomb that could cost the government the next election...
    e.g. Unemployment is building up into a social time bomb across the industrialised world.

time bomb 单语例句

1. As FBI agents and specialist firearms teams made their way through the carnage, a bomb set on a time device exploded.

2. This eyewitness says one bomb exploded, and a second detonated a short time later.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. In view of the foreseeable demographic risks from pension entitlements, a time bomb may now have been set ticking.

4. Lee also called Jackson a " ticking financial time bomb " who was in imminent danger of going bankrupt.

5. The crisis the party is going through is a time bomb that the party leaders have failed to defuse or even anticipate.

6. Like a ticking time bomb, the US national debt is an explosion waiting to happen.

7. Hence, the Octave Notes issue may be planting another time bomb in the local financial system.

8. He recalls that everyone was running away from the time bomb in the empty building except him.

9. South Korea's spy agency has said the North could test a nuclear bomb at any time.

10. The bomb test comes at a time of growing tension between Russia and the west.

time bomb 英英释义

time bomb的意思


1. time bomb的反义词

1. a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time

    Synonym: infernal machine

2. time bomb的翻译

2. a problematic situation that will eventually become dangerous if not addressed

    e.g. India is a demographic time bomb
           the refugee camp is a ticking bomb waiting to go off

    Synonym: ticking bomb