time of arrival

time of arrival [taim ɔv əˈraivəl]  [taɪm ʌv əˈraɪvəl] 

time of arrival 基本解释



time of arrival 网络解释

1. 抵达时间:Sonera的服务包括整合至网络的定位服务、定位数据服务平台、定位数据应用方案、技术支持及咨询服务. 此外,其它定位技术如全球定位系统、抵达时间(Time of Arrival)或增强型时差观察(Enhanced Observed Time Difference)等也包括在Sonera的定位服务中.

2. 到达时间:time monitor 时间监控器 | time of arrival 到达时间 | time of arrival 到达时间抵达时间

3. 到场时间:time lag 时间间隔 | time of arrival 到场时间 | time of evacuation 疏散时间

4. 到达时间抵达时间:time of arrival 到达时间 | time of arrival 到达时间抵达时间 | time of arrival 抵达时间

5. time-of-arrival:ta; 到达时间

6. time-of-arrival:toa; 到达时间

time of arrival 单语例句

1. She said the contest helped her kill time before the arrival of the advice note.

2. For security reasons, they said they could not disclose Rice's arrival date ahead of time.

3. In a record time of just 52 hours after arrival, the hospital was erected and was fully functional by May 26.

4. This marks the first time that Iran has implemented a policy of visa on arrival to foreign visitors.

5. You'll be drawn into the guestroom by an aroma mixing the fragrance of different flowers, an arrival experience that took the hotel quite some time to contemplate.

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6. With the arrival of the Internet, computers eat more and more of our private time.

7. At a minimum, the lag time between today and the arrival of the optimal structure could be shortened.

8. Her flight's time and place of arrival were kept completely secret until the last minute.

9. It's the first time for an Olympic committee to turn down the arrival of Olympic torch relay.

10. The recent arrival of more than 100 Russians at one time is rather a rare spectacle for local residents.

time of arrival 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. the time at which a public conveyance is scheduled to arrive at a given destination

    Synonym: arrival time