
tinge [tɪndʒ]  [tɪndʒ] 




现在分词:tinging; tingeing




tinge 基本解释


名词色调; 一丝痕迹

及物动词着色,使…带上色彩; 轻微的影响; 使…略为改变

tinge 相关例句



1. The maple leaves are tinge with autumn red.

2. His black hair was tinged with gray.

3. Mary's admiration for Jane is tinged with jealousy.


1. The music had a tinge of sadness.

2. Her hair has a tinge of red.

tinge 网络解释


1. 微染:懒鬼无精打采(languish) 不在灌木丛中(bush),哥哥喷涌而出(gush),喝水才会安静(hush),漂亮才会豪华(plush) 箱里的哥哥在狂欢(binge),为了哥哥去伪造(forge),哥哥拿着棍子进驳船(barge),拿着锡桶 去微染(tinge),有罪的哥哥被烧焦(singe),

2. 色调色彩:tinfoil 鍚箔 | tinge 色调,色彩 | tinned 镀鍚的

3. 淡色:ting 铃声 | tinge 淡色 | tingle 兴奋

4. 色彩:tincture 酊 | tinge 色彩 | tint 色彩

tinge 词典解释

1. 微量,少许,一丝,几分(颜色、感情或性质)
    A tinge of a colour, feeling, or quality is a small amount of it.

    e.g. His skin had an unhealthy greyish tinge...
    e.g. Could there have been a slight tinge of envy in Eva's voice?

tinge 单语例句

1. tinge的近义词

1. An acrylic patch was applied to the injured hoof but the colt returned from a gallop on Sunday with a tinge of blood.

2. Another administrative tinge of the accounting industry is that most accounting firms have been affiliated with State departments.

3. A few pieces of corn were also added to give a tinge of salt in the sweet dish and it was just fantastic.

4. If his love songs have a tinge of fatalism, they fit his voice perfectly.

5. Imposing in physique and rough and tough in character, men of Harbin exude sexiness coupled with a tinge of cold arrogance and hot abandon.

6. Students and professionals experiencing a tinge of nostalgia from their university days can head to Wudaokou for a taste of Beijing's higher learning.

7. Even the original bronze tinge of traditional Gong Bao Ji Ding was represented in the bright orange crab roe of the outside layer.

8. The first World Cup ever held in Africa opened Friday evening in a dazzling burst of joy and a tinge of sadness.

9. There will be a revolutionary tinge to Chinese tenor Li Shuangjiang's May 14 concert at the National Center for the Performing Arts.

10. Barcelona's win warmed the hopes of their fans and their coach Frank Rijkaard, but it ended with a tinge of regret.

tinge 英英释义


1. tinge

1. a pale or subdued color

    Synonym: undertone

2. a slight but appreciable amount

    e.g. this dish could use a touch of garlic

    Synonym: touch hint mite pinch jot speck soupcon


1. color lightly

    e.g. her greying hair was tinged blond
           the leaves were tinged red in November

    Synonym: tint tinct touch

2. affect as in thought or feeling

    e.g. My personal feelings color my judgment in this case
           The sadness tinged his life

    Synonym: color colour distort