





tinted 基本解释
带色彩的;染色( tint的过去式和过去分词 );着色于…;染;使受影响;
tinted 网络解释


1. 着色:黑白照有其特殊的魅力,一直深受不少人的喜欢. 用PS转黑白的方法已经很多. 其实,NC也可以方便的转彩色为黑白,相片效果调色板(Photo effects)就是专门用来将图像转换成黑白色. 这里推荐一组调整参数,供参考:o 效果选着色(Tinted)

2. 一级黄:大颗粒钻石可感觉到有颜色存在 J 94 K 微白(Tinted white) 93 L 92 M 一级黄(Tinted) 91 一般肉眼感觉到具有颜色 香港对钻石颜色的评价,是用色度计把无色到黄色分为100色,故称为百色级,我国就采用这种色级分类法.

3. 二级黄:开普色 Cape | 二级黄 Tinted 2 | 亮微黄Cape

4. 着色的:Tile 砖,磁片 | Tinted 着色的 | Title 名称,标题

tinted 单语例句

1. Japanese women of a certain age have long tinted their tresses to cover the grey.

2. Tragically, the windows of the bus were all darkly tinted and no one noticed the girl.

3. Yamamoto chooses to use a traditional camera and film but here's a tip on how the pictures are developed and tinted.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. That is precisely what makes the West's tinted view of such artists a real tragedy.

5. But at times, people tend to see even genuine acts by some citizens through tinted glasses.

6. tinted是什么意思

6. Pakistani intelligence officials say gunmen riding in a car with tinted windows shot to death a senior Pakistani Taliban commander in the country's northwest.

7. They not only doubt China's commitment to peaceful development, but also see China's development through the tinted glasses of the Cold War.