to settle accounts

to settle accounts

to settle accounts 单语例句

1. More and more countries are accepting the RMB to settle accounts with China, marking the end of the US dollar domination as a reserve currency.

2. " What we are asking for is compensation to settle old accounts once and for all, " said an IFPI official who declined to give his name.

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3. All foreign trade partners are now permitted to use the yuan to settle accounts with firms in the regions.

4. When the time came for the widow and son to settle accounts with the hospital, several items on the charge list made them suspicious.

5. They hire express companies to help them arrange payments and they settle accounts with the express companies every month.

6. to settle accounts是什么意思

6. Customers used to seeing high returns during the market upswing will be unwilling to settle for the low yields currently paid on conventional accounts.