
toast [təʊst]  [toʊst] 








toast 基本解释


名词烤面包; 干杯; 接受敬酒的人; (在某领域)广受赞誉的人


不及物动词烤火,取暖; 使暖和; 烘烤(面包片等)

toast 相关例句


1. They toasted the signing of the new agreement.

2. He toasted his feet before the fire.


1. We all drank a toast to the bride and groom.

2. The King was the first toast drunk by the officers.

toast 网络解释

1. 土司:英国式早餐(English breakfast)则除了面包、红茶或咖啡(有时也是果汁)之外,还有麦片粥(porridge),或玉蜀黍脆片(cornflakes)拌牛奶和糖,或咸肉加蛋(bacon and eggs),或火腿加蛋(ham and eggs),再加上土司(toast),它比欧洲式早餐丰富.

2. 干杯:旁的tickets to DizzyWorld拿取後就可离开.桥下男孩(Waif)不要吓他,把 tickets to DizzyWorld 给他,他会给一件礼物(gift)做为回报.回Old Mill 找Boos 喝酒,一进门Boos 就递上一杯酒,先不要喝,把酒倒到旁边植物(plant),再找Boos 乾杯(toast),待Boos 举杯时,

3. 烤面包片:早餐一般总有面包,分软的甜面包,如软面包(soft roll)、丹麦面包(danish)或牛角酸积新月形面包(croissant)合影的咸味面包,如法国面包(French bread)、烤面包片(toast).

toast 词典解释

1. 吐司;烤面包片
    Toast is bread which has been cut into slices and made brown and crisp by cooking at a high temperature.

    e.g. ...a piece of toast.

2. 烤,烘(面包等)
    When you toast something such as bread, you cook it at a high temperature so that it becomes brown and crisp.

    e.g. Toast the bread lightly on both sides.
    e.g. ...a toasted sandwich.

3. 干杯;祝酒
    When you drink a toast to someone or something, you drink some wine or another alcoholic drink as a symbolic gesture, in order to show your appreciation of them or to wish them success.

    e.g. Eleanor and I drank a toast to Miss Jacobs...
    e.g. At the end of the meal Burgoyne was asked to propose a toast.

4. 为…干杯;向…祝酒
    When you toast someone or something, you drink a toast to them.

    e.g. Party officials and generals toasted his health...
    e.g. They toasted her in champagne.

5. 深受敬慕的人;最受推崇的人
    If someone is the toast of a place, they are very popular and greatly admired there, because they have done something very successfully or well.

    e.g. She was the toast of Paris.

6. 完蛋,遭殃
    If someone is toast, you mean that they are certain to be defeated or destroyed.

    e.g. They know how to control, restrict and, if need be, throttle access, important to newspapers and absolutely vital to radio and television. And if you don't play the game, you're toast.

toast 单语例句

1. toast

1. Try them on thick cut rye toast, with a parsley and caper salad or with lemon and mayonnaise.

2. Today, most brides wear these gowns before changing into a cheongsam for the toast.

3. His face as red as an apple my Chinese colleague rose to propose a toast.

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4. With age they mature into considerate adults able to express themselves more elegantly, offering aromas of honey and toast.


5. He meticulously spreads just the right amount of jam on his toast, then cleans every crumb off the table in his modest kitchen before beginning his day.

6. A square is cut from the middle of the crunchy toast and lifted off as a lid that then sits on top of the filling.

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7. Smooth tasting foie gras terrine is served with onion marmalade as a degreaser, along with grilled brioche toast.

8. If you do have time to visit Dad this Sunday, then have a meal with him and toast him good health.

9. Toast is cooked with dry heat until it starts to turn brown.


10. You can eat the jam on buttered toast, or stir a spoonful into natural yoghurt.

toast 英英释义


1. slices of bread that have been toasted

2. a drink in honor of or to the health of a person or event

    Synonym: pledge

3. a person in desperate straits
    someone doomed

    e.g. I'm a goner if this plan doesn't work
           one mistake and you're toast

    Synonym: goner

4. a celebrity who receives much acclaim and attention

    e.g. he was the toast of the town


1. make brown and crisp by heating

    e.g. toast bread
           crisp potatoes

    Synonym: crispen crisp

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2. propose a toast to

    e.g. Let us toast the birthday girl!
           Let's drink to the New Year

    Synonym: drink pledge salute wassail