toe the line

toe the line[təu ðə lain] 

toe the line 基本解释


toe the line 网络解释

toe the line的反义词

1. 循规蹈矩,沿着线走:tie the knot 打结(结婚) | toe the line 循规蹈矩,沿着线走 | tongue in cheek 闲磕牙(挖苦地)

2. 听从命令:32.fule surcharges 燃油附加费 | 33.Toe the line 听从命令 | 34.a dog-and-pony show ! 盛大表演(商品展示)

3. (赛跑)遵守规则:pull one's punch (拳击)手下留情 | toe the line (赛跑)遵守规则 | trump card 王牌

4. 循规蹈矩:to be goner临终 | toe the line 循规蹈矩 | toe-to-toe 竞争

toe the line 单语例句

1. But it must still toe a fine line between Ahmadinejad and the Bush administration.

2. We learned that entertainers did not have to toe the party line but could lead a good cause.

3. To make developers toe the line is also in the interest of the healthy development of the real estate business.

4. toe the line的解释

4. Some EU officials have suggested the European Union join forces with the United States to pressure China to toe the line.

5. The US Senate Banking Committee and Senate Finance Committee have passed legislation respectively to increase pressure on Washington to force Beijing to toe the line.

6. To make local governments toe the line, environmental quotas should be included in the evaluation and promotion of officials.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Professional ethics dictate the line that anyone must toe in doing his or her job.

8. People always need to be told where to toe the line with regard to the standards and mores of society.

9. toe the line的解释

9. If local governments are made to toe the line, very few developers will dare to break the rules.

toe the line 英英释义



1. do what is expected