
toilsome ['tɔɪlsəm]  ['tɔɪlsəm] 

toilsome 基本解释

形容词辛苦的,劳累的; 蓼

toilsome 网络解释

1. 费力的:toilless 容易的 | toilsome 费力的 | toilworn 工作疲劳的

2. 辛苦:收入 take in; income; revenue | 辛苦 hard; exhausting; toilsome; laborious | 宽 wide; broad; relaxed; lenient

3. 费力的; 劳苦的, 劳累的 (形):toilette 化妆, 装饰, 打扮 (名) | toilsome 费力的; 劳苦的, 劳累的 (形) | tokay 葡萄酒 (名)

4. 费力的/辛苦的/劳苦的:toilless /不费力的/容易的/ | toilsome /费力的/辛苦的/劳苦的/ | toilworn /工作疲劳的/憔悴的/

toilsome 英英释义


1. toilsome的近义词

1. characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
    especially physical effort

    e.g. worked their arduous way up the mining valley
           a grueling campaign
           hard labor
           heavy work
           heavy going
           spent many laborious hours on the project
           set a punishing pace

    Synonym: arduous backbreaking grueling gruelling hard heavy laborious operose punishing