
tomatoes [tə'mɑ:təʊz]  [tə'mɑ:toʊz]


tomatoes 基本解释
番茄,西红柿( tomato的名词复数 );
tomatoes 网络解释

1. 蕃茄:因此可以减少化学农药的使用.具病害抗性(Disease Resistance)的转殖株 将有抗植物病毒(resistance against plant viruses)的基因转入植物中,可使转殖作物获得抗植物病毒的能力转殖作物有: 烟草(tobacco),蕃茄(tomatoes)和马玲薯(pota

2. 番茄:番茄(Tomatoes 番茄(Tomatoes) 番茄,又 名西红柿,属 茄科,为一年 生草本植物, 在热带为多年 生.主要以成 熟果实作蔬菜 或水果食用. 原产南美洲的 秘鲁,厄瓜多 尔等地,在安 第斯山脉至今 还有原始野生种,后传至墨 西哥,驯化为 栽培种.

3. 蕃茄、莴苣、黄瓜、洋葱:The shopping: the salad: 购物单:色拉: | tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and onions. 蕃茄、莴苣、黄瓜、洋葱. | The main course: steak and potatoes. 主菜:牛排和马铃薯.

tomatoes 单语例句

1. Each of the 58 households in the village that grows tomatoes and celery has joined the association since it was founded in September.

2. When the mixture boils, slide the fish gently into the pan and add the quartered tomatoes.

3. A pomegranate salad was the palate cleanser - followed by a rustic shredded green turnip in a clear soup and served with skinned cherry tomatoes.

4. Shanghai residents can now order their lychees and cherry tomatoes online courtesy of a website connecting them with more than 300 farms nationwide.

5. tomatoes的意思

5. So the chefs rushed to Taipei's largest vegetable market and dug through 10 boxes of cherry tomatoes to find a dozen usable ones.

6. Wash and drain the cherry tomatoes and squeeze each slightly so the pulp and juices leak out.

7. Wash 6 big fresh tomatoes to remove any waxy coating, dirt or chemical spray.

8. Researchers also found that eating raw tomatoes lower the risk of developing rectal colon or stomach cancers by 60 percent.

9. tomatoes的近义词

9. Things as common as tomatoes are often out of stock at the supermarket near my office.

10. The study found that organic tomatoes have almost double the amount of flavonoids than compared to the tomatoes grown conventionally.